Forums - X:COTA Crazy Combos Post Show all 28 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- X:COTA Crazy Combos Post ( Posted by mofojo on 06:23:2001 05:39 PM: X:COTA Crazy Combos Post post all your X:COTA crazy combos here. i'm not talking about effective 3-4 hit combos to use during matches,i'm talking bout the crazy exhibition shit that one would never think of pulling out during matches. i've basically found 100% combos for every character in the game except juggernaut. i you want i'll post some of em later. oh, and while you're at it, post some crazy msh combos too!! Posted by JaHa on 06:23:2001 06:06 PM: go to match making and get togethers look for the team know skill (san diego)thread Posted by mondu_the_fat on 06:24:2001 02:59 AM: Iceman: freeze opponent -> jumping RK -> standing FP -> standing RK -> Ice ball (?) (opponent dizzy near corner) -> freeze opponent -> Avalance (mash so that you get 100+ hits) Posted by mofojo on 06:24:2001 03:13 AM: thanks mondu but i already knew that combo. Posted by GhOstDawG on 06:24:2001 07:24 AM: that was crazy man!! Posted by jchensor on 06:24:2001 08:31 PM: COTA's combo engine is pretty broken, actually. It's way too free form. There are so many brokenm combos in this game. ^_^ I cannot remember any of my combos nowadays, though. I used to play it all the time. But here's some I remember: Omega Red: S.Strong in the corner /\ SJ. Jab x 6 -> SJ.Roundhouse. Land and Super Jump again SJ.Jab x 6 -> SJ.Roundhouse etc. Infinite combo. Wolverine: Man, I DO NOT remember my combo anymore, but I had a combo where I could land 3 Berserker Barrages in one combo. ^_^ It was something like against Cyclops: Jump attack -> Jump Attack \/ D.S.Roundhouse -> S.Jab XX Berserker Barrage, Walk Forward and S.Strong x 3 XX Berserker Barrage, Walk Forward and S.Strong x 5 or 6 into Berserker Barrage, Stand Roundhouse /\ SJ.Short -> SJ.Jab -> SJ.Forward -> SJ.Strong -> SJ.Roundhyouse (2 hits) -> SJ.Fierce Then there was this Iceman combo I did before, too... Something like: J.DN.Fierce -> J.DN.Roundhouse \/ D.S.Jab -> S.Roundhouse, C.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab -> SJ.Strong -> SJ.Forward -> SJ.DN.Fierce XX Arctic Attack \/ C.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab -> SJ.Strong -> SJ.Forward -> SJ.DN.Fierce XX Strong Ice Beam Man there was a TON of stuff I used to do. I don't remember any of them anymore. :-( But those were a few I remember somewhat... - James Posted by mofojo on 06:25:2001 04:23 AM: iron combo chef, just wondering... is that wolvie combo w/ infinite super bar, cause even w/ all the strongs i can't get it to refill quick enough. nice omega red combo. i think spiral has a similar infinite Posted by SF2Freak on 06:25:2001 07:02 AM: If i ever get a signal covertor for my cabinet i'm gonna make a movie of the 90 odd infinites/100% damage combos in the game ^_^ Posted by Middlekick on 06:25:2001 06:23 PM: Just these... Iceman(vs Sentinel-corner) j.fierce->j.d+roundhouse\/stand fierce->stand roundhousexxstrong ice beam(dizzy) J.fierce->j.roudhouse\/dash standing fierce->standing roundhouse/\ [sj.forward->sj.d+fierce->sj.whiff d+roundhouse->sj.jab->sj.short->strong->sj.forward->sj.d+fierce\/stand fierce->stand roundhouse] x n->stand fierceXXarctic attack. Iceman(vs Cyclops-corner) j.d+fierce->j.d+roundhouse->dash standing fierce->standing roundhouseXXheavy ice avalanche(dizzy) [j.d+fierce->j.d+roundhouse]x n\/dash stand fierce->stand roundhouse->low roundhouse->[dash stand fierce->whiff low short] x 8(iirc)->stand fiercexxarctic attack]x n Sentinel(vs Storm-corner) j.roundhouse->\/dash stand jab->stand roundhousexxjab rocket punch(dizzy) roundhouse sentinel force(hold for as long as possible)dash j.d+roundhousex 2->dash stand forward/\sj.roundhousexxflying->f.roundhousexxstrong air rocket punch->f.u+forward. Posted by mofojo on 06:25:2001 11:49 PM: i've actually made a vid of some 100% combos in the game. got a pretty interesting magneto (who i unlocked using a final burn save state)combo . i've been looking for someone to host this vid for a while. if anyone's interested in seeing/hosting it let me know. 3:30, 17.5 mb, WMV format. btw, great combos people. keep em coming!! Posted by Middlekick on 06:26:2001 05:01 PM: Sentinel(vs Sentinel/Colossus-corner) j.roundhouse\/stand roundhousexxjab rocket punch(dizzy) roundhouse sf(hbfaslap)j.roundhouse x2->[dash stand forwardxxfierce rocket punch->stand fowardxxrocket punch] x n->level 2 plasma storm. Cyclops(vs Iceman-corner) fierce throw(low short->stand fiercexxrapid punches->fierce gene splice(j.chainsaw combo) (dizzy) j.d.+fierce\/dash stand short->[stand strong/\sj.roundhouse x2->dj.roundhouse->sj.jab->sj.fiercex 2]x n->\/stand roundhousexxmega optic blast. Btw. I have been trying for ages to combo Colossus' giant swing but to no avail. Does anyone know a good way to do it? Posted by jchensor on 06:27:2001 07:20 AM: quote: Originally posted by mofojo iron combo chef, just wondering... is that wolvie combo w/ infinite super bar, cause even w/ all the strongs i can't get it to refill quick enough. nice omega red combo. i think spiral has a similar infinite Hope you got it to work already, but NO, it is NOT infinite meter. The trick is that Cyke is in the air when you do the Super. DOn't mash buttons, and when Wolvie does the Super, he ABORTS it mid-way when he hits the corner. Now, in COTA, meter drains with every slash. So when he aborts it, he doesn't use up a lot of meter. 3 Strongs will bring it back. But when you do it again, he travels a TAD bit further, meaning you need 6 Strongs this time to build it up. So do it one last time, and you'll end up with every hit of the Berserker Barrage, and you can Juggle after that for an Air Combo. Hope that helps. - James Posted by mofojo on 06:28:2001 03:52 AM: thanks jchensor. i actually was just screwing around w/ that combo a few days ago and i found that you can actually combo the super in infinately: vs cyclops in the corner ... whatever,, s.lpX4 XX beserker barrage x (1 hit), [d.lpX3 XX beserker barrage x (1 hit)]. so there you have it. an infinite involving a super probably the only true infinite you'll find actually involving a super. sweet. anyway, i was just wondering if wolverine has a superrejump or relaunching infinite (similar to omega red, spiral, cyclops, or iceman) middlekick those combos are great. like i said before... keep em coming!! Posted by Middlekick on 06:28:2001 06:42 PM: quote: Originally posted by mofojo an infinite involving a super probably the only true infinite you'll find actually involving a super. sweet. Did you read my Iceman vs Cyclops combo? It's an infinite that involves building the super gauge to continue the combo. This a transcript of a the berzerker barrage infinite found on a japanese website. J.fierce->dash stand forwardx2xx[Beserker barrage->stand forward(hit the button 2x)dash stand forward(hit the button 2x)->bezerker barrage] x n quote: anyway, i was just wondering if wolverine has a superrejump or relaunching infinite (similar to omega red, spiral, cyclops, or iceman) Wolvie(vs Silver Samurai/Storm-corner) [stand roundhouse/\sj.jab->sj.strongx3->sj.roundhouse(2 hits)\/stand roundhouse] x n Wolvie(vs Storm) Dash [stand roundhouse/\sj.forward->sj.roundhousex3/\stand roundhouse] x n Posted by mofojo on 06:29:2001 02:15 AM: thanks middlekick, yeah i just realized after i posted that you had posted another infinite involving supers. thanks again for the wolverine infinites. btw do have the resources to make a movie of all this crap? cause it sounds like you have connections to all those crazy japanese combos sites out there. it would be really cool to make a vid totally breaking this game. Posted by Middlekick on 06:29:2001 11:21 PM: quote: Originally posted by mofojo btw do have the resources to make a movie of all this crap? cause it sounds like you have connections to all those crazy japanese combos sites out there. it would be really cool to make a vid totally breaking this game. As a matter of fact, some friends and I plan on capturing all the crazy combos and putting them up. www.**********.com stay tuned.... Posted by mofojo on 06:30:2001 03:08 AM: also... i was just wondering, what's the site that you get all these combos from? keep me updated on the progress of your site! can't wait to see all the goodness Posted by thug life on 06:30:2001 09:10 AM: i remember psylocke has like at least ten different infinites that can be used interchangably. try this combo out... once you learn a couple of the things that work, you'll be amazed at what she can do in this game. notes: - i don't know the name of her fireball or super so i'll just say fireball or super - throws connect on meter in corner: j.FP, land, d.c.MK, s.LK, s.LK, s.LK, c.MK, sj.LK, sj.LK, sj.LK, sj.LK, sj.MP, dj.MP, dj.MK, FP fireball, dj.MK, FP fireball, dj.MK, land, sj.LK, sj.LK, sj.LK, sj.FK, sj.LK, land, c.FP, sj.LK, sj.LK, sj.LK, sj.MK, super (aimed diagonal), air throw, land, d.c.MK (otg), air throw, c.MK, j.LP, j.LK, dj.LP, dj.LK, psi blade LK, MK, FK you don't have to end it there, but i think that's enough... but you can figure out stuff on your own i'm sure... there's a lot more to her, but i can't remember everything. Posted by Middlekick on 06:30:2001 07:38 PM: quote: Originally posted by mofojo also... i was just wondering, what's the site that you get all these combos from? Yamamoto's Memo: Xmen infinite combos site: I hope your computer(or more importantly you) can read japanese characters These are the only two that i know of, but you can go here to get a nice wolvie combo: choose "save target as.." Posted by Middlekick on 07:01:2001 08:22 PM: quote: Originally posted by Middlekick Iceman(vs Cyclops-corner) j.d+fierce->j.d+roundhouse->dash standing fierce->standing roundhouseXXheavy ice avalanche(dizzy) [j.d+fierce->j.d+roundhouse]x n\/dash stand fierce->stand roundhouse->low roundhouse->[dash stand fierce->whiff low short] x 8(iirc)->stand fiercexxarctic attack]x n Oops, I've a made a serious mistake with the above combo. Although low roundhouse->dash fierce and stand roundhouse->low roundhouse can combo on their own, the above combo won't work on Cyclops because after the stand roundhouse->low roundhouse link, they juggle too high for the dash fierce to connect. It *may* work on a a heavier character. So now, I've come up with an alternative combo. Iceman vs Cyclops-corner j.d.fierce->j.roundhouse\/dash stand fierce->stand roundhousexxice avanlanche/fierce ice beam.(dizzy) j.d+fierce->j.d.roundhouse\/dash stand fierce->stand roundhouse/\sj.forward->sj.d+fierceXXair arctic attack\/[dash stand fierce->whiff low short] x 14 or so->stand fierceXXartic attack. This should be 100% My apologies to anyone who attempted the combo but failed. Posted by mofojo on 07:02:2001 03:34 AM: as i continue to mess around with this game, i'm slowly realizing how broken it is. basically any character can pull 99 hit combos out of their asses. anyway, with that said... got a question for thug life: this is kinda wierd and off topic, but i remember you posting some pretty sweet combos for mvc1. one in particular was a hulk combo involving a relaunch. do you remember this combo? and if so... could you break it down for (i could never get the relaunch to work.) thanks Posted by thug life on 07:02:2001 04:32 AM: quote: Originally posted by mofojo as i continue to mess around with this game, i'm slowly realizing how broken it is. basically any character can pull 99 hit combos out of their asses. anyway, with that said... got a question for thug life: this is kinda wierd and off topic, but i remember you posting some pretty sweet combos for mvc1. one in particular was a hulk combo involving a relaunch. do you remember this combo? and if so... could you break it down for (i could never get the relaunch to work.) thanks haha... i posted that like a year ago, but it's nice to see that some people still like the combos in that game... vs zangief: j.LK, j.MK, land, d.s.LP, s.FP, sj.LP, sj.LK, sj.MP, sj.LK, sj.MP, sj.MK, land, jump, air throw, j.LK(otg), land, s.FP, sj.LK, sj.MP, sj.LK, sj.MP, sj.MK, land, j.LP, j.MP, j.FP the combo breaks from the air throw, which is why there's a relaunch allowed... if he could relaunch like venom or jin, it'd be crazy... i always wanted to make an mvc1 video... and since mvc is just a memory and my video will never happen, might as well share the combos instead of keeping them locked up in my head... here's one of my best combos that took me tons of time to figure out... jin vs venom only: j.LK, j.MP, land, s.LK, s.MP, sj.LP, sj.LK, sj.MP, sj.LK, sj.MP, sj.LP, land, j.LP, j.FK(one hit), land, j.LP, j.MP, land, c.LK(otg), s.MP, sj.LP, sj.LK, sj.MP, sj.LK, sj.MP, sj.LP, land, j.LP, j.FK(one hit), land, j.LP, j.FK(two hits) i amaze even myself sometimes... i just hope this combo doesn't get all jacked up like my strider combo got jacked on warganic... Posted by mofojo on 07:02:2001 10:35 PM: thanks thuglife, yep i still remember all those combos. too bad shoryuken took down the combos forum. ahhh no wonder i couldn't relaunch em... air throw. although i don't consider it a true combo cause of the break in the meter it's still pretty crazy. i thought hulk had some screwed up properties like jin (relaunch). oh well... i think you should still go ahead and make your mvc1 movie. there are no good mvc1 combos on the net (except for the liquid metal ones). you should make the definitive mvc1 combo so everyone can see the craziness this game holds. who cares if it's old... hey, i'm in the process of making another X:COTA combo movie, and this game is a hell of a a lot older than mvc1 (and also an mvc1 combo movie) Posted by mofojo on 07:03:2001 11:36 PM: middlekick: could you hook me up with some spiral combos/infinites? thanks Posted by Middlekick on 07:06:2001 07:52 PM: quote: Originally posted by mofojo middlekick: could you hook me up with some spiral combos/infinites? thanks Mofojo, I don't play Spiral(I've been meaning to pick her up but never got round to it) so anything from me regarding her combos will be pretty shite. This includes translating combos from you-know-where. My less than stellar kanji reading skills, and lack of Spiral knowledge could only guarantee that the combos that I try to translate, will be fairly inaccurate. I'm pretty sure that Omni,Spider-dan or jchensor could help you out with Spiral. Posted by Spider-Dan on 07:06:2001 08:26 PM: quote: Originally posted by Middlekick Mofojo, I don't play Spiral(I've been meaning to pick her up but never got round to it) so anything from me regarding her combos will be pretty shite. This includes translating combos from you-know-where. My less than stellar kanji reading skills, and lack of Spiral knowledge could only guarantee that the combos that I try to translate, will be fairly inaccurate. I'm pretty sure that Omni,Spider-dan or jchensor could help you out with Spiral. Here is the extent of my Spiral combo knowledge: . . . . . . ...Spiral has combos? Seriously, she has a infinite in the corner with something like launch, random hits into some air attack that knocks downward (obviously there is no FS in COTA) cancelled into quick drop, repeat. That's about all I know. Posted by Middlekick on 07:06:2001 09:41 PM: Um, sorry Dan, I just assumed.. *looks in Omni's direction* Posted by jchensor on 07:07:2001 07:47 AM: Yeah, it was get into an Air Combo, don't remember a set-up, then do: SJ.Short -> SJ.Forward -> SJ.Fierce XX Quick Fall, SJ.Roundhouse \/ SJ.Short -> SJ.Forward -> SJ.Fierce XX Quick Fall, SJ.Roundhouse etc. SOMETHING like that, anyhow. I remember having to change it up in the middle here and there, because you keep getting pushed out a little farther and farther if you just repeat that. But it was something like that, anyhow. I had some REALLY nice Spiral Combos, but I don't remember them anymore. Like Punch Throw, Throw sideways into the corner wall, activate Metamorphosis, Grab them, land with Crouch Roundhouse /\ into Air Combo or something like that. I had some other really nice ones, but have forgotten them all. :-( - James All times are GMT. The time now is 11:18 PM. Show all 28 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.